Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Diabetes commonly related to sugar. Uncontrolled and excessive in sugar intake will cause diabetes. 

Sugar causing diabetes

Can diabetics have sweet things ?
Yes but  it is hard to reach in the grocery which one satisfy your sweetness.

Foods with sugar
Some people think that diabetics just cannot eat sugar and because of this, the artificial sweeteners industry market the fake sugars that totally safe for diabetics.

For those diabetics, keep this in mind :
  1. Sugar is naturally occurring carbohydrates - These kind of sugar contains calories and increase blood glucose level. Example: brown sugar, cane sugar, fructose
  2. Alcohol sugar is a reduced-calories sweetener - Contain half of calories of sugar and raise blood sugar level. Example: isomalt, maltitol, sorbitol, xylitol.
  3. Artificial Sweeteners are considered "Free Foods" - These kind of sweeteners are produced in lab, contain no calories and not increase blood sugar level. Example: Saccharine, Aspartame, Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium.
The artificial sweetener sucralose at the beginning was promoted as "safe sugar" for decades but after deep researches it has been found to have diabetes-promoting effects on human body.

How can diabetics make a choose to their diet ?
Natural sweetener is better one. Choose the really natural sweetener not just claimed natural by the producer.

Stay and always healthy..

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