Monday, November 23, 2015


Research on Harmful artificial sweetener


 Research & Experiment  

Dr. Morando Soffritti (director of the Ramazzini Institute in Bologna, Italy) explained :

"Our early studies in rats showed increases in several types of cancer, and, in our most recent aspartame studies, we observed a statistically significant increase of liver and lung tumors in male mice. This shows aspartame causes cancer in various places of the body in two different species. Health concerns over aspartame are leading consumers to switch to the widely promoted alternative: sucralose. Now that we have found evidence of a link between sucralose and cancer in mice, similar research should be urgently repeated on rats, and large scale observational studies should be set up to monitor any potential cancer risk to human health."

During their study, Dr Soffritti's team fed 843 mice, from the time they were fetuses until the time they died, with various doses of sucralose. According to post-mortems, the more sucralose male mice consumed, the higher was their likelihood of developing leukemia. 

        Image result for mice test     Image result for leukemia 

Ultimately, it is your decision what you put into your body, however if you have common sense you would think twice about consuming harmful artificial sweetener like sucralose and aspartame for yourself and your family.